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Virtually collaborate with your ecosystem with the leading innovation management platform.

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2024 Market Guide: The Best Innovation Software

Find out why Planbox is the #1 ranked and rated innovation management platform according to the latest industry research and user ratings. Get the Guide

innovation management platform

Agile Innovation Management

Innovate consistently and experiment cost-effectively while managing your entire innovation pipeline and portfolio.

A Platform AND a Program

Explore the agile innovation platform AND program that has helped Planbox customers generate billions of dollars in top-line growth and efficiency gains.

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Make the most of your innovation activities with the most flexible, scalable and comprehensive platform. Case in point:

Years of Domain Expertise
Enterprise Deployments
Engaged Participants
Realized ROI for Customers

Tailored to Your Needs

Collaborate to discover and capitalize on the best strategically aligned ideas with your ecosystem of employees, customers, partners, academia and startups by pursuing the following innovation solutions.

tech scouting

Tech Scouting

Identify insights, key trends and emerging technologies on an ongoing basis. Learn More →

corporate venturing

Corporate Venturing

Target the right partnership and investment opportunities to pursue. Learn More →

continuous improvement

Continuous Improvement

Continuously re-examine and improve core products, services or processes. Learn More →

breakthrough innovation

Breakthrough Innovation

Solve the right problems that lead to breakthrough opportunities. Learn More →

open innovation

Open Innovation

Collaborate with employees, customers, partners, startups and academia. Learn More →

employee engagement

Employee Engagement

Create a culture of transparency and solution oriented-collaboration. Learn More →

open innovation

Build on the Genius of Others with IdeaConnection

Leverage multidisciplinary teams to develop solutions to your technical challenges with Planbox’s open innovation platform and expert solver network.

A Modular Platform

Planbox’s Agile Innovation Management Suite is a modular platform for full life cycle Innovation Portfolio Management, Emerging Tech Empowerment and Ecosystem Enablement.

discovery central

Discovery Central

Imagine different futures, explore the right problems to solve and prioritize with Head-to-Head comparison. Learn More →

innovation central

Innovation Central

Full lifecycle innovation accounting for challenge launch, ideation, collaboration, evaluation and online Business Model Canvas. Learn More →

agile central

Agile Central

Manage projects and agile work, track deliverables, plan experiments, and develop proof of concepts. Learn More →

portfolio central

Portfolio Central

Empower teams to pitch and validate a commercialization strategy with out-of-the-box reports and dashboards. Learn More →

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Learn from the most innovative organizations in the world — our customers.


Electrolux Professional


Barton Malow






Love Notes from Our Community

Innovation is the gift that keeps on giving, just like our community’s love.

Planbox is a forward-thinking company that not only offers a solid platform for collaboration, but also has the right resources available to scale with our growth and further develop our innovation program.”

With ♥ from Matt Sagaser, Director of Innovation Accelerated

“Partnering with Planbox truly helped us advance UNBOSSED innovation at Novartis.”

With ♥ from Aimee Reynolds, Genesis Labs Project Liaison

“Using Planbox has improved our innovation culture, and we started hearing ideas that we would not have otherwise known about.”

With ♥ from Daniel Stone, Innovation Manager

“We don’t have the time to reinvent the wheel. Planbox helps us get there very quickly.”

With  from Richard Barge, Chairperson

“Planbox is up to the task of being this platform for Anglo American Brazil, and it is helping us improve collaboration among our teams.”

With  from Hamilton Oliveira, Business Improvement

“Planbox is helping to amplify creative thinking throughout the company.”

With ♥ from Michele Cadamuro, Director of Design & Innovation

“The Planbox team and their support have been pivotal in giving our HR team and leadership the confidence to engage our entire firm on an absolutely mission-critical issue. The results have well-exceeded our expectations.”

With ♥ from Gillis Jonk, Vice President, Strategy & M&A

“There is no single reason for my score (10/10). Planbox truly has a unique competitive advantage.”

With ♥ from Joe Messina, Senior Acceleration Manager

“We had an idea that went through the innovation system and that alone created $8.5M in revenue that we would have never achieved without Planbox.”

With ♥ from Lynne Hayes, Innovation Coordinator

“What really matters is the culture and environment of the providers. Planbox has created and enhanced those values while working with us, and this is a huge added value.”

With ♥ from Ammar Nawaz, Senior Manager of Strategy & Innovation

“We like the flexibility to be able to manage the site internally and be able to write our own destiny. This is the biggest advantage of the system.”

With ♥ from Geoff Gottlieb, Senior Manager of Continuous Improvement

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Schedule your demo today and discover how you can propel your innovation program to success.